Rat @BrattishRat384

Welcome to my website.

You can find me at @BrattishRat384 everywhere, I also do some photography.

Im bored... 👍

As mentioned before, I do photograghy in my free time.

I photogragh what ever I find, if it looks good I photgraph it.

I use a samsung S21+ as my main camera.

My system is a Gigabyte G5-GD, I5-11400H, 32gb DDR4, RTX3050, plus some random drives.

I just play what ever I find in my libary.

And if I feel like it I'll release a video on youtube.

Check out the Linuxthing!

I post random linux based things and computer things there.

Pages is still a work in Progress.

Check it out here.